Vibrant shades of blues and whites, varying textures, rough to smooth, shiny to coarse, and transparent to dense. These are the visuals of duality, the simultaneous beauty and sadness which I found within the melting icebergs of the Scoresbysund in East Greenland. For all the ice you see will not be there very long, in fact what I witnessed while capturing these images has long since returned to its fluid state.
Appearing for a short time a transient work of abstract art within this no man lands of the East Greenland fjord system. The deepest water of the world. With every turn a new story, and pattern of how the ice came to be. The history of its formation once trapped now being released within its melt, revealing the multifaceted layers and layers of its origin story.
One cannot help but feel like a trespasser in this most majestic of landscape where the sounds of icebergs collapsing echo like gunshots and the score of champagne fizzing surrounds the zodiac, as bubble pockets of ancient air merge back into our time.
A talented artist who has an unique approach, thanks to her gifted connection to mother earth. - Jean-Francois Chaubard